Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

National Martial Arts Pencak Silat primarily consists of various protean flow originating from the regions of the earth-daearah archipelago. This is a proof of how clever and extraordinary our forefathers in creating an arts and culture the noble values.

In Indonesia, Pencak Silat coordinated in a container the National Sports Committee of Indonesia (koni) the IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia), which consists of various kinds of flow that is directed at the value of art and performance.

Unlike the Martial Arts Maenpo, a pencak / martial Cikalong who come from West Java has 30 Jurus, known as Genesis 27 and 3 Jurus Jurus purpose, which is a Sundanese ethnic Martial Arts, which is the national art and cultural assets that are traditional and in spreading spread secretly or not.

For the spirit of nationalism with the younger generation as we intend to maintain this art, this art and introduce the audience to many especially the younger generation in order to build mental and regeneration as a generation of nation.

Hopefully Maenpo can become a place of mental and regeneration in order to create a whole human being that is human is to remember God and inherit the glorious ancestor of the soul of Indonesia.

With dibuatnya Book Tuturan Code Maenpo this, hopefully facilitate the practice of this martial Sciences pengamalnya to be hackneyed in tuturan read this book to remember outside of the head and diresapi read in the contents of tuturan because this has a meaning and in accordance with the objectives of the Maenpo itself, no other "Becoming a man the benefit of others."

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