MAENPO created by indigenous Ibrahim Pilgrim Cikalong Cianjur Western Java. While most data of so much teacher it for example: its 27th teacher is Ma's Pilgrim ’ ruf that 28th is Bang Madi and 29th one is Bang Curry. According to our teacher discourse Utay Mochtar Maenpo Maenpo's father whatever available first time at Cianjur is Maenpo Mande, then banded by Ibrahim's Pilgrim with Maenpo Madi and maenpo is Curry that kinin was called By Maenpo Cikalong. Ibrahim's pilgrim there are many memilki student amongst those Raden Busrin it collaborative learning to 2 its teachers which is H. Ibrahim and Sabandar's Mammas that name in origin is person original Castrate Pageruyung Sumattra west (Living at Sabandar Cianjur).
Last is Raden Century that learns keapda Raden Busrin up to 16 the Year aspires emnajdi Maenpo's Heros and beliau becomes daatau Gauru's heros Outgrows Maenpio Diusiannya that 32nd year. Finally from pengeambanagan beliau's art tries mempraktiskan jurus jurus maenpo in order to fast to be studied by someone not necessarily eat long time time as beliau on term learnedding to eat time up to 16 years. Finally of tripping Raden that Century briefs scholarly its utilised previous understanding than its scholarly method to its student which is with make maenpo's Method guidance or one knew by ACCUSE MAENPO'S METHOD consisting of 5 developed Chapter deep its tattle by Utay Mochtar for example Chapter it is as follows:
1. Season chapter
2. Opat's chapter trip
3. Sensed chapter
4. Stirred chapter
5. Jurus's chapter instance.
Discourse: Utay Mochtar's father. Kadupandak Cianjur
Raden is Century has quite a lot student amongst those: Utay Mochtar, Lamp, Yeye, Banam, Ikom, Jarfoni, Ucuh, one that every thing is indigenous mueridnya student one comes from Kadupandak Cianjur and this scholarly router heretofore at Kadupandak's region just stays behind Utay Mochtar's Father.
Are story withdraw from Utay Mochtar's Father one time learns to Raden Century. Whies Maenpo have a lot of Jurus?” With Raden's smile Century answers “ “ So fate its student be not as it in studies maenpo to eat time 16 years. So pack Maenpo now just dnegan gains control jurus sebanayak 30 jurus can plead self with penggelan, squeeze, abatamen and gicel. This is why effect most composes jurus instance that created by dn packed by Raden Century
One of congregation Maenpo that famous at Cianjur's region namely "Maenpo Mekar Sekawan" under Bp's upbringing. Utay Mochtar namely learns from Maenpo's Developer now at Jember East Java namely: Joko Sukmono's blessing, SH that its congregation recognised with Traditional Self-defence Art Maenpo with motto: ATI'S CALM (Utay Mochtar's father mandate that was developed at East Java). ATI'S CALM name also constitute name an institute that mothered by Joko Sukmono's Blessing, SH that recognised by the name of Meditation Gallery & Dill "ADEM ATI" one that its activity covers: Training Meditates, Dill cure, TQN PonPes Suryalaya Tasikmalaya's Recitation ceremony Western Java and as sport physical its, Sitter chooses Maenpo's self-defence that it has once studied from Utay Mochtar Kadupandak Cianjur's Father Western Java. Now Traditional Self-defence Art Maenpo also amends enough at Jember good East Java that is coached collegial and also privat (Teacher & Student).
According to discourse Utay Mochtar Maenpo constitutes brief beladiri art and unique, and relies hand speed, with terminology puts hand out to become weapon or hand becomes to do splits, upon experience with beliau, it says to put hand out those ingenious its, and if does splits to be a prey to one sedah runs out mind, handed difference.
According to Father teacher Discourse Utay Mochtar of Kadupandak Cianjur's village, MAENPO is word origin from MAENPA' or Maen Papat (maen four / four flows) which is:
1. Embah Khair (Bogor)
2. Bang Khari (Betawi)
3. Bang Madhi (Sumatra BaraVPageruyung)
4. Sabandar (Cianjur)
One that consisting of 27 Jurus instances and 3 jurus Means, one that created by Ibrahim's Pilgrim manager, one that name in origin Raden Djajaperbata Cikalong Cianjur Western Java that is created on year that don't just after clear jurusnya's creation year, but beliau comes into the world on year 1816 and deaths on year 1906 one is buried at Majalaya Cikalong Kulon, Cianjur.
Method most importantly in studies MAENPO is "Kita dapat menjalankan jurus MAENPO yang sesungguhnya apabila kita sudah betah, sudah merasa kulit jadi daging, bersatu dengan badan kita"
Unspecialized MAENPO for physique or body and given energy measure but for anyone with doesn't see to form its physical well gets tall body / big or short, well that strong vigorous and also poor vigorous one.
Charge from MAENPO is how in mengetrapkan jurus jurusnya with menggunkan racks brains than muscle with the meaning: if little corporeal someone deep face corporeal person big obviously look for mind and carries on tactic to be able to defy by little energy, since man gets to add its force just by use of mind and think it.
In contrast to animal, if match against clear sheep animal has proportionate, since in's sheep animal! have no trickiness and think, really in contrast to man, if face kuatjangan's man is defied firmly but is defied weakly, and weight one shall be defied by that demulcent and fast one has to be defied by that slowing.
It is incredible pretend and deviating from our logic, therefore MAENPO shall be studied diligently, without keen and active in coaches it, we won't get to have it. MAENPO constitutes brief beladiri art and unique, and relies hand speed, with terminology puts hand out to become weapon or hand even becomes foot
(If wants clever don't ask on person that its non pros but asks on a teacher: Utay Mohctar's Father discourse)
MAENPO'S practised trick
A Maenpo's student that studies or practice jurus jurusnya without understands jurusnya's benefit and name called by apal cangkem. Fathom a meaning the student just memorize jurus to establish can't word what what does be practiced or that be done. Method that is applied at present era is Know jurus's name, knowing jurusnya and application from jurus that.
Terminology in learned MAENPO.
a. MAENPO'S studying
Each student which studies directly be built by Teachers or coming directing to
an old hand at for studying until khatam / ends.
b. MAENPO'S exercise
Maenpo is coached own in accordance with total jurus that is gotten or that is studied its and at recoaches jurusnya as much we eat (Utay Mochtar's Father discourse). Fathom a meaning: if we one day of two-time eating mean every day knowledge or that jurus must been coached as much two-time also or more.
c. Goodwill to Teachers
In Tasawuf's the world available that diistilahkan with robithah or tightens bathin's relationship student with Teachers, no utilised other remember order and that teacher teaching. But usually deep MAENPO available terminology pengecekkan is jurus jurus realready been gotten student to its teacher each month once in order not to forgets but progressively perfect what do be studied its because will be seen and is controlled direct with teachers.
d. Prohibition Upon practised MAENPO
Perilous it this jurus MAEPO that will make fatal on its foe causes to arise it hard prohibition of Teachers to its student, practicing jurus jurus MAENPO to friend or others and this fulminating if breached by students therefore teacher will dismiss it or will be commemorated strictly that student. Even puts hand out among student was prohibitted to stick excepts by its teacher or representative teacher.
1. Don't bluff to learn
2. Don't Perceive Good At studies MAENPO
3. Don't Calumniate, insult, and disfigures others institution
4. Don't Haughty, Arrogant, and Riya'
5. Don't perceive to want discouraged by others.
(Discourse: Raden NUNUNG)
Last is Raden Century that learns keapda Raden Busrin up to 16 the Year aspires emnajdi Maenpo's Heros and beliau becomes daatau Gauru's heros Outgrows Maenpio Diusiannya that 32nd year. Finally from pengeambanagan beliau's art tries mempraktiskan jurus jurus maenpo in order to fast to be studied by someone not necessarily eat long time time as beliau on term learnedding to eat time up to 16 years. Finally of tripping Raden that Century briefs scholarly its utilised previous understanding than its scholarly method to its student which is with make maenpo's Method guidance or one knew by ACCUSE MAENPO'S METHOD consisting of 5 developed Chapter deep its tattle by Utay Mochtar for example Chapter it is as follows:
1. Season chapter
2. Opat's chapter trip
3. Sensed chapter
4. Stirred chapter
5. Jurus's chapter instance.
Discourse: Utay Mochtar's father. Kadupandak Cianjur
Raden is Century has quite a lot student amongst those: Utay Mochtar, Lamp, Yeye, Banam, Ikom, Jarfoni, Ucuh, one that every thing is indigenous mueridnya student one comes from Kadupandak Cianjur and this scholarly router heretofore at Kadupandak's region just stays behind Utay Mochtar's Father.
Are story withdraw from Utay Mochtar's Father one time learns to Raden Century. Whies Maenpo have a lot of Jurus?” With Raden's smile Century answers “ “ So fate its student be not as it in studies maenpo to eat time 16 years. So pack Maenpo now just dnegan gains control jurus sebanayak 30 jurus can plead self with penggelan, squeeze, abatamen and gicel. This is why effect most composes jurus instance that created by dn packed by Raden Century
One of congregation Maenpo that famous at Cianjur's region namely "Maenpo Mekar Sekawan" under Bp's upbringing. Utay Mochtar namely learns from Maenpo's Developer now at Jember East Java namely: Joko Sukmono's blessing, SH that its congregation recognised with Traditional Self-defence Art Maenpo with motto: ATI'S CALM (Utay Mochtar's father mandate that was developed at East Java). ATI'S CALM name also constitute name an institute that mothered by Joko Sukmono's Blessing, SH that recognised by the name of Meditation Gallery & Dill "ADEM ATI" one that its activity covers: Training Meditates, Dill cure, TQN PonPes Suryalaya Tasikmalaya's Recitation ceremony Western Java and as sport physical its, Sitter chooses Maenpo's self-defence that it has once studied from Utay Mochtar Kadupandak Cianjur's Father Western Java. Now Traditional Self-defence Art Maenpo also amends enough at Jember good East Java that is coached collegial and also privat (Teacher & Student).
According to discourse Utay Mochtar Maenpo constitutes brief beladiri art and unique, and relies hand speed, with terminology puts hand out to become weapon or hand becomes to do splits, upon experience with beliau, it says to put hand out those ingenious its, and if does splits to be a prey to one sedah runs out mind, handed difference.
According to Father teacher Discourse Utay Mochtar of Kadupandak Cianjur's village, MAENPO is word origin from MAENPA' or Maen Papat (maen four / four flows) which is:
1. Embah Khair (Bogor)
2. Bang Khari (Betawi)
3. Bang Madhi (Sumatra BaraVPageruyung)
4. Sabandar (Cianjur)
One that consisting of 27 Jurus instances and 3 jurus Means, one that created by Ibrahim's Pilgrim manager, one that name in origin Raden Djajaperbata Cikalong Cianjur Western Java that is created on year that don't just after clear jurusnya's creation year, but beliau comes into the world on year 1816 and deaths on year 1906 one is buried at Majalaya Cikalong Kulon, Cianjur.
Method most importantly in studies MAENPO is "Kita dapat menjalankan jurus MAENPO yang sesungguhnya apabila kita sudah betah, sudah merasa kulit jadi daging, bersatu dengan badan kita"
Unspecialized MAENPO for physique or body and given energy measure but for anyone with doesn't see to form its physical well gets tall body / big or short, well that strong vigorous and also poor vigorous one.
Charge from MAENPO is how in mengetrapkan jurus jurusnya with menggunkan racks brains than muscle with the meaning: if little corporeal someone deep face corporeal person big obviously look for mind and carries on tactic to be able to defy by little energy, since man gets to add its force just by use of mind and think it.
In contrast to animal, if match against clear sheep animal has proportionate, since in's sheep animal! have no trickiness and think, really in contrast to man, if face kuatjangan's man is defied firmly but is defied weakly, and weight one shall be defied by that demulcent and fast one has to be defied by that slowing.
It is incredible pretend and deviating from our logic, therefore MAENPO shall be studied diligently, without keen and active in coaches it, we won't get to have it. MAENPO constitutes brief beladiri art and unique, and relies hand speed, with terminology puts hand out to become weapon or hand even becomes foot
(If wants clever don't ask on person that its non pros but asks on a teacher: Utay Mohctar's Father discourse)
MAENPO'S practised trick
A Maenpo's student that studies or practice jurus jurusnya without understands jurusnya's benefit and name called by apal cangkem. Fathom a meaning the student just memorize jurus to establish can't word what what does be practiced or that be done. Method that is applied at present era is Know jurus's name, knowing jurusnya and application from jurus that.
Terminology in learned MAENPO.
a. MAENPO'S studying
Each student which studies directly be built by Teachers or coming directing to
an old hand at for studying until khatam / ends.
b. MAENPO'S exercise
Maenpo is coached own in accordance with total jurus that is gotten or that is studied its and at recoaches jurusnya as much we eat (Utay Mochtar's Father discourse). Fathom a meaning: if we one day of two-time eating mean every day knowledge or that jurus must been coached as much two-time also or more.
c. Goodwill to Teachers
In Tasawuf's the world available that diistilahkan with robithah or tightens bathin's relationship student with Teachers, no utilised other remember order and that teacher teaching. But usually deep MAENPO available terminology pengecekkan is jurus jurus realready been gotten student to its teacher each month once in order not to forgets but progressively perfect what do be studied its because will be seen and is controlled direct with teachers.
d. Prohibition Upon practised MAENPO
Perilous it this jurus MAEPO that will make fatal on its foe causes to arise it hard prohibition of Teachers to its student, practicing jurus jurus MAENPO to friend or others and this fulminating if breached by students therefore teacher will dismiss it or will be commemorated strictly that student. Even puts hand out among student was prohibitted to stick excepts by its teacher or representative teacher.
1. Don't bluff to learn
2. Don't Perceive Good At studies MAENPO
3. Don't Calumniate, insult, and disfigures others institution
4. Don't Haughty, Arrogant, and Riya'
5. Don't perceive to want discouraged by others.
(Discourse: Raden NUNUNG)
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